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We believe in achieving clarity through creativity and when it comes to digital communication, both businesses and people are more driven than ever in taking action and inspiring others to do so.
Client: Zenobisme
Project Type: Visual Identity
// Zenobisme is an online magazine that has a series of content pillars that support the direction of cultural feminism.
// The magazine addresses the feminism curent, cultural feminism, women rights, women stories, women storytelling with focus on creative approach, empowerment and generation of awareness about important topics for women through cultural correlation approach.
// Understanding the topics, the visuals should express a similar concept and address feminist culture, feminity, sociale cases, empowerment, intelligence, intellect, culture, depth, creativity.
// Brand personality: woman silhouette – warrior goddesses – touch of intellect & woman intellect – feminism / femininity – social battle / gender equality
// Starting from the woman character from a novel by prolific Romanian avant-garde writer Gelu Naum, “Zenobia”, we developed this feminine character who has a mystic and mysterious aura, but with the intent of creating a hero character, one in which every woman can see herself. Through that, we decided to create a visual identity that approached the modern era of digital, one with vibrant feminine colors, clean and simple appearance and poetic inspiration.
// The logo represents an abstract portretisation of the woman hero that the readers need and we chose mystic and statuesque figure as a foundation for a fantasy story and to bring the idea of an ancestral presence. We left the woman’s portrait without a defined face so the readers can identify themselves in that, which can also represent them in today’s digital culture. We highlight the intellect and cultural knowledge through symbols like the laurels on her head and the greek style curls ( resembling ionic columns ).
We believe in achieving clarity through creativity and when it comes to digital communication, both businesses and people are more driven than ever in taking action and inspiring others to do so.